San Paolo D'Argon

On January 10th, 2024, in the venue of Jobsacademy in San Paolo d’Argon (BG), a presentation event took place during a conference on generational change in VET training, to present VETProfit’s online course for teachers and trainers. Participants came from employment agencies, EQF4 and 5 VET providers and consultancy companies active in the province of Bergamo and in Lombardy.

After a general presentation of the overall project and on the activities foreseen in JAC within VETProfit, the audience learned about the VETProfit Course for teachers and training. Each of the four modules of the course was briefly presented, as well as the main learning outcomes for the teachers.

The presentation ended with a Q&A session that gave the teachers and trainers the possibility to understand fully their opportunities within the VETProfit project.